10 Commandments for Remote Working

The top 10 commandments for being successful and productive at remote working. Continue Reading »
The top 10 commandments for being successful and productive at remote working. Continue Reading »
Those with much greater needs are afforded a higher level of flexibility with accommodating their needs and customizing the way they work. As the trend of the individual adapted workspace grows, remote working is strongly poised to usher in a better engaged and situated worker. Continue Reading »
The greatest challenge for a remote worker is being physically present in one environment and mentally present in a separate one. There is the constant opportunity of being forced to switch focus between the two, balancing and meeting the expectations of both, as well as succeeding at keeping appropriate boundaries and commitments. Continue Reading »
In many ways I'm a romantic, so the idea of working _anywhere_ has a strong pull towards the culture of a remote worker. I _could_ live in a location that borders a national park, or a tropical island where stress is carried off by the sea breeze. Even with the freedom to work remotely at a location of my choosing, location will always matter because of the following... Continue Reading »
Broadband. This is the most crucial aspect of remote working. For many jobs, productivity and progress are directly tied to the availability and reliability of broadband. My ability to access broadband is the most important part of my daily “commute”. Consider your broadband connection as one of your marketable attributes as a remote worker. Continue Reading »
There are many challenges in being a remote worker. One challenge I hadn’t anticipated when I first started out was other peoples expectations that I’m always available. It caught me off guard at first when I received a call from a friend in the middle of the day asking for help moving some of their … Continue Reading »
The availability of broadband and regulations governing its management will have a significant impact on which regions will be able to compete in a geographically broadening employment market. It also directly affects remote teams and distributed organizations that rely on broadband for their livelihood. Continue Reading »
Great teams all have one thing in common, trust. Trust is so critical in making a team great, instead of just good. “If you don’t feel secure at work, there’s no way you can do your best at work.” – page 58, The Way of the Shepherd Trust is the foundational trait or the fibers … Continue Reading »
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